Friday 20 December 2013

Profound Man and Inspiration to all human kind

Yesterday evening I met the most profound young man that perhaps I will ever meet. This morning I woke up to find this beautiful piece of writing in my inbox.

"So I’m kind of hoping this is you, I’m not entirely certain how certain I am though, heh, but oh well. Rather ironically I recall the conversation more than any physical attributes, which is not to say or imply that these are not worthy of recall. It’s just me, I tend to remember people more for their personalities, their perceptions, attitudes, and expressions. These are what I find interesting.

Anyway, I enjoyed our little chat, and contrary to what I may or may not have implied, you are an intelligent person. I hope you never lose the fire, the passion, the purpose, because it’s these things we humans are in dire need of. Mediocrity achieves nothing, but a safe, moderately comfortable, and ultimately meaningless life. Don’t listen to those people, don’t let them get you down, don’t let them take away the spark. These ideas, these fresh perspectives, these intelligent and reasoned responses to the indifference or ignorance of the masses are what we need. So do your thing

If you ever want to chat about anything, or you need some back up, or they’re just getting you down, let me know. I understand what that’s like. I wholeheartedly support the undertaking of making a difference, of contributing - however small - to progress and enlightenment, of standing up rather than just sitting and watching.

Nil Carborundum. Don’t let the bastards grind you down.”

My Faith has been forever restored in the human race.

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