Friday 20 December 2013

Inspirational Writing

"Who knows, maybe we can inspire others as well.
To be honest I share your feeling; you too, inspire me. Most days I'm pretty optimistic about the future of this earth and everything on it: humans, animals, plants, all life. But some days... Some days I just despair, we still have a long way to go. I see... this amazing potential, what could be is staggering, breath taking even, but we fall so far short.
I dream that someday we can realise to at least some degree that potential, which although too far in the future for me to ever see, it is enough if I can in some way contribute. I really believe we can make a difference, nothing terrifies me more than a life lived without this. And when I see, in the darkness that surrounds me, lights here and there, like yourself, it gives me strength, and courage. Because we are not alone, we may be few, but we are not without company. And it's good company."

-New Anonymous Friend.

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