Friday 20 July 2012

Controversial: It should be my middle name.

I have not been on BlogSpot for a few months now. This is because I have been busy furthering my education. Since I last updated this site, I have graduated from art school with a design and visual arts qualification. As much as art and its subject matter are my pleasure, I felt I needed to find my cause and purpose in life. At times this new purpose has also become my pain! This is because it comes in the form of studying politics and law. That is why this post is self-titled 'controversial', as the act of stating political ideas and philosophy is very much the essence of controversial in today's world despite the free speech doctrine. However due to the nature of my creative streaks, lectures do not always capture my imagination. So, between taking my notes I find time to do a few paintings and shhhh don't tell my lecturer's some quick sketches. Here are a few I have been working on, hope you enjoy!

                                                Inspired by political figures and my grandfather.

                 This is for all the Woman in New Zealand political studies, and political environment.

         Random Lady, drawing achieved in Media lecture, experimenting with orange pigmented inks.

13/07/2012 - 21/07/2012. Graphic pigmented inks, fine point 0.4 on cartridge paper.

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