Sunday 23 October 2011

Question One and Two.

Question One: Contemporary Craft.

‘Mermaid Me Pretty.’ This jewellery was created to expand the viewer’s mind to understand the importance of the materiality used. I purposely used fish scales that are usually discarded after a fish is scaled to reinforce the idea of recycling, also to effectively make the jewellery fish-like similar to that of mermaid skin. The result created unique pieces of contemporary jewellery worn as cuffs and brooches. Combining hand-painted, expanding foam to give the impression of coral with the fish scales made for underwater inspired pieces. Cosmetic products for the pearlising sheen they give when crushed created an understanding that they are used for beautification of the human body.

The photograph’s below show the brooches and cuff activated on the body.

The PPMT, brief was to create jewellery based on your chosen neighbourhood. The neighbourhood I chose was underwater, mermaids. I chose this neighbourhood as it linked on from my previous neighbourhood of childhood memories associated with now with underwater magical mermaids.

Question Two: Written research.

Dictionary site.

Pearlising- Having a pearlescent finish, having or given a pearly lustre a pearlised lipstick. [3]

Fish scale - scale of the kind that covers the bodies of fish.

Scale - a flattened rigid plate forming part of the body covering of many animals.
Fish - any of various mostly cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates usually having scales and breathing through gills; "the shark is a large fish"; "in the living room there was a tank of colourful fish."[4]

For my PPMT brief, it was important to understand what fish scales were, and what they are usually used for. As I had never worked with fish scales as a material, understanding what they were and how they were used meant that it was easier to work with them. Through the dictionary site telling me that fish scales had a pearlescent finish, I came to understand that if I sprayed with an enamel finish it would bring out the sheen the scale had.
[3] The Free Dictionary, Fish + Scale, 2011.

[4]The Free Dictionary, Pearlized, 2011.

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