Wednesday 3 January 2018

Edible Wildflowers

When I’m out and about I’m always on the lookout for wildflowers, I love the simplicity and quiet unassuming beautiful they have, as well as their looks, often wildflowers are edible or can be useful for medicinal benefits. 
Photographed below, the orange flower: Nasturtium, botanical name: Tropaeolum majus, is beneficial for its strong healing properties, as it contains vitamin C and flavonoids and carotenoid[1],  which have strong antibiotic factors. This powerful flower, used internally and externally, for minor bacterial infections, scrapes and cuts.
Also pictured below is the Dandelion, French for the “lion tooth” and botanically known as Taraxacum officinale[2]  is equally beneficial, containing vitamin K, it is well used in tea, for it detoxifying qualities, particularly helpful for the stomach and liver.  It also has cancer fighting principles and has quantities of calcium for strengthening bones.
Pretty, and powerful, these really are natures super foods!


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