Sunday 13 November 2011

An interview with Colin McCahon. Video Assignment.

Colin McCahon, Interview.

Intentions, Merits and Downfalls.

The intention of creating this video was to understand McCahon's artwork on a more indepth level to include his everyday influences, and why most of his paintings were in landscape style. In this sense the video achieves what it set out to do, in a simple easy to follow formulation of video clips and slides, with short interluding pieces of relevant writing. However due to the short length of the video, I felt I only produced a superficial amount of information on this subject matter. If the video length could have been longer, I believe I could have provided a more in-depth analysis of Colin McCahon's artwork.

Overall I believe the video is satisfactory in providing the viewer with some information about McCahon's artwork methods and influences. Working in video format was an interesting first for me, so I learnt new skills such as slicing and editing clips. The video format is a great way to combine visual and audible information for the viewer to get a more comprehensive view of Colin McCahon as an artist.

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