Saturday 10 October 2015

There is nothing common about the wealth

Street Art Auckland C.B.D

The non-tourist guide to Auckland City

Early one sunny morning I took my time to walk to university in town, which was when I  noticed that the CBD is a very vibrant and artistic place. I noticed these artworks, which I do not usually see, as I'm in too much of a rush to notice my surroundings. It was eye-opening to see different street artists expressions. 
I particularly liked the 'there is nothing common about the wealth' a tongue- in- check play on the issues of wealth inequalities, at the same time making a statement about being part of the 'Common Wealth'.
I also enjoyed the seal which is playful, and lively, on what would be a dreary electrical box.
The Syrian girl also making a political statement, about the war happening and the need to support humankind and the current situation, especially with refugees. This was cleverly placed outside Amnesty International Krd, which at the time of taking the photograph I spoke to someone volunteering there, who decided that it was very Banksy inspired, and may be a copy of the the famous 'Girl with a Balloon' produced in 2002.
The colourful expression of the Maori Tiki, which was created near a tattoo Palour on Krd and the 'Lore' graffiti which was particularly fitting as it means the study of a body of knowledge especially that of traditional anecdotal, or popular nature on a particular subject and was strategically placed in an alley-way near the University of Auckland Law School.